Spring Sessions Open for Learn-to-Swim Programs

Dec. 27, 2023

Program Options:

  1. 1x/week: Mondays 7:30-8:30pm @ SHAW CENTRE
  2. 1x/week: Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm @ YMCA
  3. 2x/week: Mondays 7:30-8:30pm @ SHAW CENTRE & Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm @ YMCA

Not quite ready to dive in? Get your feet wet with a free trial! 

REGISTRATION NOW: http://WPSaskatoon.rampregistrations.com/participant/ILWP


What is ILWP?

I Love Water Polo’ (ILWP) is an introductory water polo program for children aged 6-10 (born 2014-2018).

Participants will learn to be strong swimmers, enjoy a team sport and have FUN!

The program combines swimming with learning water polo skills and strategies. Taught using the Seals Certification Program developed by Water Polo Saskatchewan (WPS), this program adds to skills delivered through community swimming lessons. Level outcomes are identified below. There are many links between how water polo skills can support the development of swimming. Certain water polo skills will help your child be a better, more confident swimmer.

Do you have to be able to swim to participate? Participants should enjoy being in the water, but do not have to be good swimmers. Lessons are held in the deep tank at the Shaw Centre and YMCA. Floatie belts are available for those who need one until they are confident to swim without one. General speaking, Seal Pups is for children ages 6 to 9 and Seals is for children ages 8 to 10. 


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